Smarter decisions, Faster.

The first end-to-end AI-powered SaaS platform automating the decision-making process.

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Embed AI in every company Decision-Making process

Our “smart productivity” SaaS platform uses AI and machine learning to help companies take better decisions, faster.

360 market analysis

Comprehensive and at scale analysis of millions of signals coming from trusted data sources of company’s market covering technology, competition, legal, politics, environment

Digital twin and impact

Quantification of company-specific probability, maturity and impact, based on a company modelling (Customers, Competition, Capabilities..) and our set of proprietary metrics

From decision to action

Leverage of genAI power (visuals, content, road mapping…) to inspire company’s organization, cascade down decisions, and track implementation of initiatives.

Our Tech credentials

We generate value for our customers around 3 main KPIs

Time to action
External suppliers costs
Internal FTE by project

Welcome to the Era of super companies.

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Already trusted by some of the world’s best brands